Yeah, yeah...this challenge had a final completion date five years from when we started. I know. But you know what? I'm an adult, and I can start over if I want to. A lot has went on in the past four years preventing me from focusing on reading as I wanted to. Thus, I'm starting over.
Guess what else? I'm opening up the number of years from five years to anywhere from five years to ten. That's right. If you want to change your goal and make it 7 years, go for it. If you want to make it 10 years, be my guest. I, for one, am making mine ten years because I read far less non-fiction than I do novels which is bad, but it is what it is.
So, new start date for me...January 3, 2016. New end date...January 3, 2026. Wow!
I'm also updating my list. Taking a few away and adding some new ones. I'm also going to add five alternate options (listed at the end as "alternate titles") in case I want to add something else, or change the list further.
You can see my revised list by clicking in the menu in the sidebar (Michelle's List).
You do not have to sign up again, but if you do revise your list, or readjust your timeline, add your link to the linky on the sign up page, adding revised list and/or timeline to your link text. For example, Michelle @ True Book Addict (revised list/timeline).
For those of you who participate in The Classics Club, I'm going to start over on that one as well. Probably won't change my list much though.